Established in 2004, My IT Guy has strategically expanded and positioned our services to offer a ‘One Stop Shop’. This means that all of your IT needs are looked after by one provider, locally based in Waterloo Region and just a phone call away.

As we continue to strive to provide you with the highest level of IT Service, we’re always looking to broaden our offerings by seeking out like minded, customer-focused companies. Here are a few so far:

Duras Computing (acq 2018)

  • Depth of experience
  • Increased knowledge and resources

Read the Duras Computing announcement

Read our Press Release

Virtual Planet (acq 2014)

  • Increasing our premium web and email hosting
  • Servicing the Greater Waterloo Region

Learn more about Virtual Planet

Read our Press Release

Schiller Networks (acq 2012)

  • Enhancing availability and timeliness
  • Increased knowledge and resources

Learn more about Schiller Networks

Read our Press Release
Read coverage in Exchange Magazine


Talk to us today. You’ll be glad you did!