Remote Help Desk
Need a quick fix? We can help! Start up Remote Help Desk and a few minutes of remote computer support will have you up and running in no time!
Server Support
Your server is the core of your business: Critical data protection, security and performance all affect your bottom line. What are you doing to keep it safe and maintained?
Software Installation & Updates
Whether you need help with Microsoft Office, or an industry-specific application, we can help. Our years of experience gives us the unique ability to be able to support nearly any software you need help with.
Hardware Installation & Upgrades
Computers and servers are lasting longer and longer these days, but the latest programs are still very demanding. Let us help you with your next upgrade!
Printer Installation
The paperless society isn’t upon us yet, so until then let My IT Guy simplify things for you!
Virus Removal
Even the most vigilant computer user occasionally has a run-in with a computer virus, whether it’s your laptop, PC or Apple computer. We can get it cleaned up, and help keep your important data safe and secure!
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