I had a hard drive crash on a brand new (5 month old) $4000 custom built computer with 4 redundant RAID discs that stopped me dead in my tracks (both business and personal PC). It did as directed and saved the data (although with errors) and nothing was lost. However, the recovery of the system was beyond my abilities. My IT Guy was recommended by the company hosting our website. They recovered and repaired everything, after 5 days of effort. The bill was not inconsequential but worth every penny to address/save what was wrong and correctly rebuild the system as it should have been done the first time. Excellent advice and assistance was provided, gaps in our recovery process identified and plugged and off-site backups initiated and maintained so that should disaster ever strike again, we’re covered and should be back up in a matter of hours, not days. Adam and his team were professional, conscientious, efficient and effective. Having people like this on hand to assist when needed is indispensable if you care at all about your 1000s of photos, Word documents, business files, and everything else we rely upon our computers for these days. I wouldn’t trust the folks at Best Buy, Canada Computers or the like – whose best suggestion was to simply wipe the drive and reinstall everything from scratch, assuming that the data was/had been recoverable in the first place. Adam et al saved me from that horror and in the process, days of added downtime, stress and headaches. Use them. Don’t think about it. Just call them and get the work done.
David Towler, Creative Organizational Design
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